
Hi there 👋, I am MorningStarOvO !

    I am Morningstar. I am a PhD student at Institute of Information Engineering (IIE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

    My primary research interests are Multi-modal Machine Learning and my current research focuses on Scene Recognition.

🌱 I’m currently learning

(✨: Tasks; 🌟: Research Areas)

  • Self-Supervised Learning(自监督学习)🌟

  • OOD Generalization(域外分布泛化)🌟

  • Domain Generation(领域泛化)🌟

  • Scene Recognition(场景识别)✨

🔭 I’m currently working on …

  • I’m working on improving the generalizability of a scene recognition model! 🌱

📫 How to reach me: …